Monday, December 29, 2008

2 more weeks

Last night Colton and I had the realization that we only had two weeks left until he goes on his mission. Up until now it has seemed like an eternity waiting to start college and for him to leave but now time is really flying by.


Paul, Nat, Syd, and Maggie said...

I can't believe you are old enough to go to College. You are the baby of the family and we are all getting pretty old. You will have so much fun and I am really excited for you. Good Luck! We love you!

Paul, Nat, Syd, and Maggie said...
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Anonymous said...

Whit, you're cute. It's so wierd that you are gone to college. But, so good! I hope you get another letter from Colton soon!

Grandpa Van - Grandma Greta said...

And now just think . . . Colton, I mean Elder Waldron has been gone for three weeks!